
Don't Just Consume Technology.. Produce it.

Its important to not only be consumers of technology but producers as well.

“A new study released Friday sheds light on this issue. The State of Black America 2018, a report published annually by the National Urban League, compares how black and white people fare in a number of areas, including housing, economics, education, social justice, and civic engagement.

This year’s report pays particular attention to black Americans’ access to jobs in the tech industry and STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) fields. The study reveals that while black people are one of the racial groups most likely to use smartphones and have created thriving communities on platforms like Twitter, those high rates of usage haven’t translated into employment.”


30 and Under

Silicon Valley is home to some of the hottest venture capital firms worldwide. In the valley, the stakes are high. To be a successful investor, you need a keen business sense and attention to detail, a forward-thinking outlook, and a strategic eye for investment. 135 more words

via 30 AND UNDER: Rising stars in Silicon Valley tech who find hot startup deals and manage millions of dollars — Tech Insider